Sunday, July 3, 2011

day 2

Alyssa and Ian's second day of shooting. There's such a warm romantic feel to these ones. Love them.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Alyssa and Ian.

Finally, blogging world. Alyssa and Ian's first day of engagement photos.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Miss Coles

Hey bloggers. Meet Alyssa Coles my best friend since 7th grade. She is bright and bubbly. She is optimistic and talented. But best of all she is ENGAGED!! She won't be Miss Coles for very long. That's right Alyssa and Ian are to be married this coming December. I am more than honored to be capturing their love. I hope that everyone out there gets to experience a love like theirs. Here's a little sneak peak of our practice session for their UP inspired engagement and wedding. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sorry for the lack of attendance. I have been extremely busy in my school classes. They are much more demanding that what I thought they would be.
Currently I have nothing new to show. BUT. (a big but) I have been searching and gathering inspiration. I am at the point of explosion so that can only mean many photos to come. I am excited for the wedding this weekend in Key West. Then next week is spring break and I have a few things planned.

Hope all is well.